The Three Rivers Hospital Foundation is heading into another busy year.
The Foundation spent $24,230 on several projects in 2022 for Three Rivers Hospital and its clinic, Three Rivers Family Medicine, according to President Dan Webster.
Over the past year, the Foundation has purchased two bariatric chairs, blood pressure cuffs and oximeters, new Christmas trees for the hospital and clinic’s common areas, and two RFID security doors for the ER entrance and downstairs side entrance to the clinic. The Foundation sponsored free sports physicals at the clinic and supported the hospital’s one-year levy proposition for emergency services; those tax dollars will be collected this year.
So far this year, the board has authorized purchasing a bladder scanner for the ER, a cordless illumination system for gynecology services, and halogen floor lamps for clinic exam rooms. The Foundation is also sponsoring Three Rivers’ employee wellness program for the year up to $2,000.
“We’re so grateful to the Foundation for everything they do for us and our patients,” said Business Development Coordinator Jennifer Best. “The board is so supportive of our team and goal of providing the ideal patient experience. And the wellness program sponsorship will help us support the emotional and physical wellbeing of our healthcare workers, which we believe is vital to quality patient care.”
Funding Sources
The Foundation received a $35,000 grant in December from the Washington-based Roots and Wings Foundation.
The Roots and Wings Foundation was founded in 2019 by Judy and Dr. Gordon Faulkner, both of whom have worked in healthcare-related fields. The organization focuses on funding nonprofit organizations that help low-income children and families reach their full potential through prevention, early intervention, and in-depth programming that changes lives.
“We are able to accomplish so much more for our community hospital with these funds,” said Foundation President Dan Webster. “The rest of our funding comes from community donations and the generosity of the hospital and clinic employees. Their donations come from voluntary payroll deductions.”
In 2022, Three Rivers employees and providers gave $6,750 to the Foundation.
The Foundation also accepts PayPal donations through its website,
New Members
The hospital Foundation has welcomed two new members who are getting a fresh start on the team this year.
Jocelyn Murray and Elizabeth Boyd both live in the Methow Valley, which is part of Three Rivers Hospital’s district. Murray is the Foundation’s new Vice President.
“I’m honored to join the board of Three Rivers Hospital Foundation and look forward to serving my greater community in a new fashion,” Murray said.